How much are you prepared to reveal?
Equality advocate Ash Beckham explains why she’s a chronic over-sharer.
Secrecy is often used as a legal shield to cover up illegal actions by businesses. Anti-corruption activist and TED Prize winner Charmian Gooch explains why we should care — and what we should do.
iO Tillett Wright is currently 5,519 portraits into a mission to point out that we’re all, at heart, the same. Her goal: to photograph 10,000 people around the United States who identify as being something other than 100% heterosexual. Here’s just a small sample of her powerful photographs.
After a misleading tip linked Hasan Elahi to terrorist activities — and an FBI investigation — the artist created a project that lets anyone monitor him. But how much is he really revealing?
What can be guessed about you from your online behavior? Two computer privacy experts — economist Alessandro Acquisti and computer scientist Jennifer Golbeck — on how little we know about how much others know.
Beijing-based artist Liu Bolin disappears into his works, silently making bold statements about consumerism, mass culture — even the Chinese government. See a gallery of previously unpublished works.