These pioneering women were behind some of history’s greatest discoveries, from the greenhouse effect and nuclear fission to the structure of DNA and breakthrough leprosy treatment.

It seems like a story made for the movies: the first general-purpose computer was actually programmed by a half-dozen female math whizzes. Yet for too long, their efforts have been largely unknown. Lawyer and digital-rights advocate Kathy Kleiman describes her quest to learn about them and bring them some overdue recognition.

Research has found that having a backup plan might actually sabotage your efforts toward Plan A. Before you set up your safety net, read these lessons from women scientists.

Dame Stephanie Shirley founded a women-only computing company in 1962, determined to do her work on her terms, and to hell with the glass ceiling. In this video, introduced by US CTO Megan Smith, admire the feisty spirit who upended tech world sexism by refusing to accept it.