Looking for something great to read, stream or watch this fall? Here are 18 picks that are worthy of your precious time, from ace curator and TEDWomen editorial director Pat Mitchell.

A Black woman takes a selfie where she smiles wryly at the camera. She is not wearing clothes and covers her chest with her hand. She has dark brown curly hair which frames her face, and is lying in a bed with white sheets.

Women are slowly moving towards parity in the boardroom, but not in the bedroom. Why are straight women having less satisfying sex than men? And what can we do about it?

Don’t be misled by the cringing creatures seen in The Lion King. From their biology to their social structure, spotted hyenas are complex creatures like none other on earth, explains author and zoologist Lucy Cooke.

It sounds paradoxical, but accepting our negative emotions will actually make us happier in the long run. Psychologist Susan David explains how.

Real life is chaotic and surprising and impossible to balance. Work-life Jenga is all about making the best out of each moment in our lives, one piece at a time, says political leader and author Stacey Abrams.

It’s that simple. Making sure that girls around the world can go to school helps them and their families, of course, but it also benefits the entire planet.

Beautiful water hyacinth was strangling the life out of waterside communities in Nigeria, but entrepreneur Achenyo Idachaba saw potential in the plague.