In the US, community solar projects could provide people in low-income communities with clean, cheaper energy while also transitioning them away from planet-polluting fossil fuels.

Batteries that could charge in a matter of minutes would make electric vehicles more appealing and convenient — but do we have what’s needed to power them? Researchers Solomon Brown and Rachel Lee break down the potential of ultrafast charging batteries.

Why don’t we turn uninhabited desert expanses, like the Sahara, into places to harvest solar power? Because the effects on our ocean, atmosphere and weather systems could be big and disastrous, say researchers Benjamin Smith and Zhengyao Lu.

US President Joseph R. Biden recently announced ambitious new climate goals. What are the changes needed to reach these new targets? And how will they affect our lives? Climate policy expert Nathaniel Keohane explains.

There’s a green hydrogen rush happening worldwide! Green hydrogen is based on hydrogen, the most abundant chemical in the universe, and it’s carbon-free. Here’s a quick look at what it is, which countries are investing in it, and how it could help slow global warming.

From wind turbine technicians and forest fire inspectors to urban farmers and new plastics engineers, these positions represent just some of the employment opportunities available as we transition to a cleaner economy.