Jean Oelwang, the president and founding CEO of Virgin Unite, has interviewed hundreds of people to figure out the key elements behind great partnerships. One of the most critical (and tricky) is trust — and she explains how you can foster it.

If kids don’t feel trusted — or if there isn’t anyone close to them whom they can rely on — they can really suffer. Esther Wojcicki, an educator and mother of three superstar daughters, explains why trust is essential and build it in the young people in our lives.

This tiny republic has the most startups per person and the fastest broadband speeds, and it offers something no other country does: e-residency. Estonia is aiming to create the ideal information society. Technology thinker and entrepreneur Andrew Keen goes there to find out how it works.

Once upon a time, you would have thought long and hard before you bought sneakers from a stranger in another country or rented out your home to one. So what made you feel it was safe, useful and okay? Trust researcher Rachel Botsman explains the process.

Studies show the health benefits of sharing our private hopes and fears with trusted confidantes. But what if you’re on your own?