A teeny tiny bike, and other stories you should read today

In today’s Need to Know, a very small folding bike, the suggestion of a new way to tackle climate change, and a happy trip down memory lane to look at a time when drug companies and governments could work together successfully.

A bike the size of an umbrella
Yep, the prototype “Sadabike” has an alumnium alloy frame and 26-inch wheels — and folds down to the size of a brolly. The hubless wheels and frame then fit in a backpack. Neat. Now, can the designer make it a commercial reality?

Don’t attack coal, Stanford?
Interesting take on the university’s decision to divest its investments away from coal companies. (See our story Meet 3 people who might just save the world, for a mini-profile of Bill McKibben’s organization, which is calling for just such moves.) Frank Wolak in the LA Times argues that such gestures are more symbolic than helpful, and he issues a challenge of his own for universities looking to take a stand on climate change.

The power of partnerships
The remarkable decades-long story of a drug developed to fight river blindness, a disease that used to be one of the leading causes of blindness in developing countries and is now on its way to becoming a rare curiosity. In this tale, a Merck drug was distributed in ever greater quantities, because of an astonishing collaboration and commitment from a diverse group of people and groups. “We can never become too jaded to simply be amazed at what a coalition can do,” writes health advocate Bill Foege.