By not settling for cliches about being color-blind and by talking openly about the roots of racism and its consequences, you can raise informed, empathic individuals.

This week, psychologist Guy Winch helps a reader who is dealing with family members who are expressing political negativity on social media.

Many people are caregivers for their sick parents, partners, friends or others, with an unfortunate consequence: They end up suffering. TED speakers share steps that caregivers can take to help maintain their own well-being.

Like many parents, technology researcher Jordan Shapiro knew little about video games — and what he knew, he didn’t like. But that’s what his kids wanted to play. Through exploration and experimentation, he found they can be used to teach valuable lessons and build togetherness.

The winter holidays are a time of giving, but too often that means nonstop spending, shopping and stress. Read how one family boldly reimagined their family gift swap.

It’s only human to avoid discussing death. But when we do, we run the risk of not knowing how our loved ones want to live — and die. Advocate and journalist Ellen Goodman tells us how to kick off this critical conversation.

Family stories are a treasure. But when you hear the same ones over and over, they can get tarnished. Facilitator Priya Parker shares the simple trick that led to an unforgettable evening for her and her loved ones.